Special Support To Get Online school
Online Education Management System
Student Login Portal
Manage Class/Subject
online fee With Receipt
Teacher Login
Online Test/Exam
Can take online test and exam
Parents Dashboard
Sell Uniform/ Study Material
Can show the result online and make a certificate
About Education Management System
Now Manage your complete school management on your website like an online class, school marketing, student inquiry, new admission, class’s section, attendance, staff management, sell online uniforms/ books/ study material, Manage library, fee payment, Record & Provide online courses, online test/exam, Result, Separate login portal dashboard for Admin, Student, Teacher, Parent, Send class wise Message/notification /mail, manage Transportation, online Reports card, Teacher Routine, Print certificate/ Id Card/receipts, Notice board & Holiday list, etc for more details just look over below details for each section
Website (A Responsive Design for Every Device)
Sign-up with email & Social Media: Log in and registration with Facebook & Google in one click
Responsive Sliders: Educational photos represent your activities
Inquiry Details: Contact form to get a query on mail
Social Media connect: Whatsapp button integration, social media share, and profile linking
Email Automation: Mails on new registration, Enrollment, Purchase, and activities or promotions
User Dashboard: My account links in the header, log in form dropdown in the header, Social login/register with, Facebook, Google,
Welcome Pop-up: Advanced Promo popup options
Online Teaching Management System
SMS Notification: Send the SMS notification when inquiry of student, register students, create the institute, Fee deposit time.
Email Notification: Send the email notification when inquiry of student, register students, create the institute, Fee deposit time.
Course Management: Add unlimited Courses, their durations, and fees.
Study Material: Admin & Staff can update the study material as PDF, Docs, Video, and students can download the study material from the student dashboard..
Batch Management: A course can have multiple batches. Add new batches to a course or edit them.
Student Attendance: You can manage batch-wise student attendance.
Inquiry Management: Receive enquirers from the front-end or add directly from the admin panel.
Student Management: Register a new student for a course, which can also be done from the active inquiry. Then, inquiry can be removed or marked as inactive. Also, mark the course as completed.
Fee Management: Easy to manage fee, shows pending fees, supports payment in installments for a student enrolled in a course.
Staff Management: Add an administrator to manage courses, batches, enquirers, fees, students, notifications, noticeboard, etc.
Exam Results Management: Manage exam results and display results form on your website.
Admin Dashboard: View popular courses, recent inquiries, and a number of active courses, students, enquirers, etc.
Student Dashboard – Students view their fees report, admission details, ID card, etc. and pay the remaining fees using a suitable payment method.
Generate and Print Reports: Select a student and generate reports such as fees report, admission details, ID card, completion certificate, etc.
Export records to excel: Easy to export student records to excel or PDF format.
Search and Filter Records: Search and filter courses, inquiries, students, fee receipts.
Print Fee Receipt, Report, ID Card, Admission Detail, and Completion Certificate – Print fee receipt for each installment, print fees report, admission details, student’s ID card, and completion certificate.
Institute Noticeboard Widget: Display important notices on your website with Institute Noticeboard Widget.
Send Notifications to Students: Send notifications to a batch or individual students with attachments (to send notes, timetable, etc.).
Pay Fees with PayPal, Razorpay Payment Methods: Students can pay their fees using PayPal or Razorpay payment gateway.
Multiple Custom Fee Types: Add custom fee types like admission fee, exam fee, tuition fee etc.
Online Exam Management - Education & Results Management
Objective :- Add objective questions to the exam. Set maximum marks, negative marking, options, correct option etc.
Single-Choice Questions:- Add any number of options for a question and set the correct answer among the options.
Multi-Choice Questions:- Add any number of options for a question and set multiple correct answers among the options.
Subjective Questions:- With subjective questions, students will have to enter the answer in a text area.
Subject-wise Questions:- Add multiple subjects. Group questions into the subject. Set subject order, question order, and so on.
Randomize Questions Order:- Change the order of questions for each student.
Questions Color Palette:- Students can browse questions via questions navigation and view answered, unanswered, visited, marked questions.
Exam Start Timer:- With a centralized start time for the exam. Students can see the time remaining for completion of the online exam.
Export/Import Students:- Import students from other exams or from CSV files. Export students to the CSV file.
Exam Questions types
Objective:- Add objective questions to the exam. Set maximum marks, negative marking, options, correct option, etc.
Single-Choice Questions:– Add any number of options for a question and set the correct answer among the options.
Multi-Choice Questions:- Add any number of options for a question and set multiple correct answers among the options.
Subjective Questions:- With subjective questions, students will have to enter the answer in a text area.
Online Exam Management Features in Details :
Manage Online Exams:- Create exams, set exam center, duration, date, and start time. Manage students and assign roll number to each student.
Conduct Multiple Exams:- Create any number of exams. View completed exams, recent exams, upcoming exams, and on-going exams.
Publish Exam Results:- Students can select an exam, enter roll number to view the exam results. Also, control if students can see results immediately after completion of the exam.
Student Answer Sheet:- View the complete answer sheet of each student, attempted questions, obtained marks, etc.
Online Course Create
e-Learn Portal : Courses are dynamic, engaging, and offer the latest in e-learning industry trends.
Powerful Course Builder : The industry’s best course builder makes course creation a snap.
Advanced Quizzing : Eight question types, custom messages, question banks.
Flexible Prerequisites : Set course, lesson, and quiz based prerequisites.
Dynamic Forums : Private or public course specific forums for your enrolled users.
Course Points : Award points for completing courses and unlock new ones.
Certificates & Badges : Award custom certificates and points for course activities.
Online Course upload & Sale
Selling online courses has never been easier. Set your price, choose the payment schedule, and start taking orders!
One-Time Purchase course : One-time price, subscriptions, and shopping cart supported.
Subscriptions : Charge a one-time fee, or maximize revenue through recurring payments and subscriptions.
Shopping Cart : Easily implement a shopping cart for selling courses.
Memberships : Sell traditional membership access to all of your courses.
Course Bundles : Sell your courses one at a time, or create bundles.
School Management
Manage schools and their entities such as classes, sections, students, exams, ID cards, admit cards, teachers, staff, fees, invoices, income, expense, noticeboard, study materials, and much more. Payment gateway: Paypal, Stripe, Pesapal, Paystack, Razorpay, PayTM
Multi-School Management :- Add multiple schools, assign admins and classes to each school to manage individual school.
Session Management :- Create new session and keep all the records of previous sessions.
Manage Classes and Sections :- Administrators can create classes and assign them to schools. With each class, there can be multiple class sections.
Student Management :- School admins and staff with necessary permissions can new admissions to school by assigning them admission number, class, section and roll number. Also, for each student record in a session, a new enrollment number is generated automatically.
Inquiries Management :- Display inquiry form for a school in a page using shortcode. Also, receive inquiries school-wise, add next follow up date and notes for the inquiry.
Student Promotion :- Promote students to a new class for a new session. This creates a new enrollment of a student for the next session.
Student Transfer :- Transfer student from one school to another. This also keep track of students transferred to and transferred from the school.
Student Attendance :- Take the daily attendance of students. Print the attendance sheet of a class. Also, students can view their attendance report in dashboard.
Student Dashboard :- Students view their fees report, admission details, ID card etc. and pay remaining fees using suitable payment method.
Roles and Permissions :- Create custom roles like teacher, accountant and assign them necessary permissions as per the role so they are restricted to the management of school entities assigned to them.
Assign School Admins and Staff :- Multi-School admins assign an administrator to a school. The school administrator can create any number of staff with roles to manage the school.
Noticeboard Widget :- It has a noticeboard widget that displays notices to the widget section of your website. Here, you can change the number of notices, widget height, and width to incorporate the design of your website.
Distribute Study Materials :- School staff with the necessary permission can add study materials of classes. These study materials will show up on the student dashboard section, allowing them to download and view the study materials.
Students Home Works :- School staff and teachers with the necessary permission can add Home Works of classes. These Home Works will show up on the student dashboard section and students get the notification on SMS, Home Works SMS details can be sent on Parents and students Mobile
Automatic Notifications via Email, SMS and Custom Templates:- Send SMS and email notifications to students at the time of new admissions, fee invoice generation, payment receipts generation etc. SMS providers include Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91 SMS , TextLocal and more.
Exams Management :- Create exam, add exam papers, exam center, timings, date and room number for single class or multiple classes.
Publish Exam Time Table :- Option to publish exam time table which will show up on student dashboard or you can use the shortcode to display exam time table on a particular page of your website.
Generate Admit Cards :- For each exam, generate admit cards for students. Also, publish the admit cards which students can download from student dashboard section.
Accounting Management :- This include fee invoice generation, fee payment collection, income management and expense management.
Generate Fee Invoices :- Select students from classes and generate fees invoices in bulk or for a single student. This also supports partial payment collection or one-time payment collection.
Fees Collection Form :- Display fees collection form on a page using a shortcode which allows students to search their names and view pending fee invoices. Students can pay their fees by using a payment method.
Payments via Stripe, Razorpay, Pesapal :- Fee payment can be done by using Stripe or Razorpay, Pesapal payment gateway.
Print Fees Invoice and Payment Receipt :- After adding a fee invoice, it supports the printing of fee invoices. Also, after making a payment, students or staff can print the payment receipt.
Manage Expense and Income :- Add expense categories and income categories. Add expense and icome date wise for a school.
Student Dashboard :- In the student dashboard, students can view noticeboard, print their ID cards, view pending fee invoices, make payments and view their payment history. Also, they can download study materials, exam time table, admit cards and much more.